Past Planned Parenthood Paradox

Last month, Chelsea Clinton spoke at the Women Deliver Conference in Malaysia.  From the stage, she revealed that her much-admired maternal grandmother was the child of unwed teenage parents who “did not have access to services that are so crucial that Planned Parenthood helps provide.”

Does anyone else see the oddity of this statement?  I mean, we've all been exposed to enough time travel science fiction through books, movies, and television shows to have a pretty good grasp on what becomes of the "present you" if your great-grandparents were to have aborted (or at the very least, family planned) your grandmother out of existence.

I can totally see the Saturday Night Live skit in my head already with them mashing up the video of Chelsea Clinton speaking at the conference with the scene from Back To The Future where Marty McFly's character's hand is disappearing while trying to play the guitar.  (Chelsea is lamenting about how unfortunate it is that her great-grandparents had no access to Planned Parenthood.  Suddenly, she drops the microphone she is holding and stares in shock at her missing hand.  Quickly, someone comes to her rescue and reads aloud from Wikipedia about how Margret Sanger didn't start what would later become known as Planned Parenthood until 1921, well after her grandmother was successfully born alive.  Chelsea's hand fades back in and everyone sighs with relief.)

Even if Chelsea was referencing contraception rather than abortion, it still doesn't sit right.  What it does is point out an error in the thought process of those who support abortion.  If you can't make sense of an argument supporting the availability of abortion for your parents, you equally can't make sense of an argument supporting it for your children.

Some may be quick to dehumanize others, but it stands out as blatantly foolish to fail to recognize the humanity of oneself from within one's own skin.


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