Fitness Update

Last week marked the mid-point of the Wellness Challenge. It's been six weeks since its start and there's only six left to go. They did weigh-ins last week to see how everyone is coming along on their goals. Tomorrow is when I am scheduled for my make-up weigh-in. I'm pretty excited. After all I am still carrying an unfair advantage.

Last week I was plagued with Type 2 Influenza. It began Monday and did not relent until early in the morning on Sunday. I absolutely hated the symptoms so, of course, I was glad to see them go. But I was also enthralled with the nature of their passing. I fell asleep Saturday night and woke up an hour later and had to go to the bathroom. I went but as I was walking I realized that all the symptoms I had were gone. Just like that.

Now this was no short list of symptoms. They included uncontrollable shivering, constantly fluctuating fever, sweating, discolored urine, pain in all movement, nausea, halucinations, and what felt like a big ball of yarn in my stomach that threatened to spew back out anything that came in it. They were all there when I fell asleep Saturday night, but an hour later when I woke they were all gone. It was definitely God healing me. No gradual getting better for me. He wanted me at church Sunday morning and I got to go.

I haven't weighed myself so I don't know how much weight I've lost, but I'm thinking that it's going to appear that I've been doing quite well with my workout.


Cheater! You'd do anything to win this competition, wouldn't you? Contracting the flu, invoking God... what won't you do to win?!?


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